Tuesday, July 26, 2011

La Ho'i Ho'i Ea

This week Sunday is La Ho'iho'i Ea, Hawaiian Independence Day. As a contribution from 808 Urban I was asked to come up with a tshirt design for the event. They wanted to keep it hip hop with a mop pen theme, heres what I came up with...

Eat The Street!!

I'll be live painting at Eat The Street this Friday next to the Lightsleepers booth. Black and white action, with the finished product being auctioned off for a good cause (Lofa's comic con trip for next year maybe??). Come and stop by, I might even have some stuff under $10 for purchase. Shoobies

For the broke brothas...

One of my favorite groups. Keeping it real for the homies.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Recent Work..

Here are some recent shirt designs I worked on...


Pipe Dreams Surf Co.

Angry TSG Desktop

Finally finished my Angry TSG desktop. Click on it for the full size image, set it has your desktop background and fit to your specs. Enjoy!

For a smaller version click here...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Maui Waui

This week I had the opportunity to join John Prime and Rival'e in Maui for some workshops at Pa'ia Youth Center and Hui No'eau. It was an interesting trip, being that it was my first time to Maui, I didn't know what to expect. It had a crazy mix of city, town, country and boonies all in a 20 minute driving radius. Check out a small photo journal of the trip here....

Monday, July 18, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Worst Movie Ever...

Had a hot date on Sunday night which started with a 40 minute wait for Kuru Kuru in Kahala. The sushi was worth the wait as usual, so I can't complain. Then we drove over to Ward with about 5 minutes to spare to see Bridesmaids. I've gotten a bunch of good reviews on this movie, MSN even gave it a 87 out of 100 rating so I figured lets do it. Boy did I make a wrong choice. Between the bland comedy and the people talking during the movie, I have to give this 5 starfishes down. Its sad because the best actress in the movie was in the 4th starring role. The fat one (I forgot her name) had the best lines, best comedic scenarios and the most presence. So to wrap it up, save your money for a Netflix, or HBO or maybe even bootleg to see this movie.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


This weekend was my nephews 5th bday. It was nice to just enjoy a good ol' fashion picnic and bbq for a birthday. The theme was Transformers, his favorite movies and toys of all time. From the pinata to the bouncer to the huge Transformer cake, I think he had the time of his life. Cheers to my big dummy aka wild boy.

American Justice System.....

Nuff Said....