Sunday, September 12, 2010

808 Orbits / Beat Root Bodega 2

Beat Root Bodega went down and was not too in affect. It's a telling as to how technology is taking over the music scene big time. Ipods instead of CD, Imacs instead of turntables. Respects to Kavet for tring to keep the scene alive. We need more "Dj's" to support the cause and keep it real on the ones and twos. Buy a cart with wheels or grab a homey to carry your record crates and turntable into the party. Its like artists only bringing prints and small items to shows because its easier to carry.

808 Orbits lacked the crowd that I expected it to have. With Comic Con just happening in San Diego I would've thought a little buzz around the urban art scene would be happening. I finally got to meet the brains of the operation HaynMade. In attendance for the artists was Remi, Pancho, Ohana, Rival'e, Rzone, Kres, Ownah, Daves Action, Krazy, and Klash.

My camera died halfway through my time there so I didn't get to take as many flicks as I wanted to.

That guy hitting up one of two canvases being passed around

Mike showing off his skizzles with Sculpey on vinyl

The mastermind of Lightsleepers and the bodega, Kavet and that dude "Sticky Fingaz" Spel

Remi and Rzone chillin pretty. Nicole and Aly were in the background planning for the next Art and Flea

That guy that knows everyone and is everywhere doing everything

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