Apex was one of the dopest events i've been to in a while. The dancing was clean, and no beefs. The rap battle was mean. The live painting smelt like ling hing mui. MMA in the parking lot. Overall great event with chooooke people in attendance. I was selling Champagne Dreams tees at the event and was also supposed to live paint but people were bummed about the space alotted so I took the backseat until the next event. Apex 2 next year??
Inflatable screen to PS3 connection.
The tees.
Setting up the paint wall
The boys out front grinding
Banner looking official
The team and Kaweeks straight chillin
The all styles battle was the shit! Homey dancing had his Wall Street gators on.
Hype something (their name keeps changing!?) in the all styles. My boy G busted out like 8 splits and killed it. Groans from all the men in the crowd could be heard each time.
Almost Finished. Affiliated, Defend Hawaii and Freelance being repped on one side of the board.
Altoe, Beak3 and some other hooligans on the other side.
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