From HellaFlood to HellaFlush, it went down on sunday! Dope rides, dope friends, good times. Got there pretty on time but had to wait about 20 minutes for the gates to open. Donated a couple cans as an entry fee.
Line to get in..

Cutters, I mean Linesleepers, I mean Lightsleepers Sexy Beast

The view in..
Didnt take too many pics of cars, but for some reason I really liked this box

Team Syndicate with the light puka for da air for come tru for cool the stuff dat makes da turbo..

Mike Quering aka DJ Wish reppin for Garage JS4KIX holding down the vinyl

JS4KIX booth..

The gang acting like they know me..

Design and print done by myself, more things coming for the shop.

Homie had the hardest time getting in the lot over the first speed bump. Back wheels were cambered to hell and at one point one of em was up in the air free spinning while trying to get over.
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