Been pretty busy lately. I got a refund check in the mail for the Servco b.s. cheehoo. Dropped a design that just hit the Pipe Dreams store, ill have the pics up soon for that. Got orientation to a new job courtesy of Newkon. Me and my old lady went out to the Aikau which was pretty unreal. We slept over at a friends beach house so we skipped the crazy traffic. The crowd was amazing but it was pretty trippy that like 80% of the fans were haole. Nothing against haoles but there was not as many hawaiians as there shouldve been especially with Eddie's cultural legendary status. To me the Eddie and Buffalo classics should be the platform for Hawaiian's to showcase their culture to the world. My thought is that surfing can be expensive and time consuming. Gotta buy the board which can cost some scrills (or hawaiian borrow haha) and then gotta buy the rack for your car, bike or moped. Then you gotta take the time to go to the beach, park, walk, paddle, catch a wave and paddle some more. I dont know but maybe its just me. Any way heres the flix.
Before the sun came up, surfers hitting the wave for warmups before the contest.

People lined up along the cliff. Early risers with the tent setup.

Party wave!! First heat with the 3 man drop in.

Headed out about noon. Traffic was backed up for miles, people were moving faster than the cars. Some people parked as far as Haleiwa and rode bike all the way to the bay.

In addition to doing work for others, im finally building a new site, this one should last for a while. Hoping to drop this 1/1/10, crossing the fingers.
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