2 weeks ago the people we stayed with in Seattle were here for the Oakley golf tournament. We hung out with them at the Hyatt penthouse style for there last night. After waiting in the lobby for the longest for somebody i wont name JASON who never showed up we finally made it to the 40th floor of the building after having to walk from the 35th floor and it was the wrong tower. So we had to go back down 40 stories walk back to the tower we were originally waiting at and head back up another 40 floors. But we made it and it was good times.
Homey Zachary Shimizu zoning out

Getting the birthday shots ready

Joey aka Joe Girl aka Joe Bones aka F-a-b-o posin

Me and my baby won beer pong that night coming back from 5 down!
Joeys bro is in town for the week so we got to hang out last friday. First hit up the old Magoos then went back to the hotel for good times
K Bone crackin up, tracey thinking "what did i get my self into"

J Bear taking it back to the roots

Got to help out Prime of 808 Urban this week with his Washington Intermediate project. I went there for one semester, its the only time i ever got a 4.0 in school. I only had one class though haha. The them of this wall is the mesh of culture and hip hop
Panorama of the wall
Helped out by painting this Peace
Young bucks painting leaves on the tree
Uncle Prime showing the youngins whats up
Finished off that day at Cross Fit. Its a new gym behind the courthouse across from Restaurant Row. They specialize in high intensity workouts with alot of full muscle extensions.
Blank wall before the action
After (Me, Skarz, That Humu Humu Guy and Prime)
After we were pau I snuck off and painted this guy. I dont know if it was ok...oh well.
Culture Clash with Newkon, Ckaweeks, and Pancho at Prototype Pearl Ridge. Pretty good show turnout for last minute advertising and another hip hop show was going on the same night. I won second for the character battle, ill have the pictures posted up for that in the morning.
Shot of the shop
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