Monday, August 24, 2009


Art show going down this Wednesday at Creative Sound and Lighting in Kaneohe.
Eric and the gang wants to do is monthly or bi-monthly depending on the response.
All the sound and lighting equipment is setup and ready to go so all djs and mcs
can get in on the action too!

Recent tees..

Pacific Soul charity event tee for Steve Clooney

MJ shirt for Pipe Dreams Surf Co.

Kokua Market

Got a gig teaming up with Prime from 808 Urban to paint Kokua Market back in the old hood.
Hopefully it opens up more legal walls in throughout the island to give artists a chance to
showcase their skills. Mahalo to Rachel and Larry for the support throughout the day and
hooking it up with the rations.

Gotta go back to finish up....

Friday, August 7, 2009

More recent work..

K. Schenk Electric van logo

Internet flyer for World Wide Industries

Pipe Dreams Surf Co. signage

Flyer for my old shop..

Diverse Culture logo concept

More coming soon...

Kokua Market..

Head on down to Kokua Market this sunday the 9th from 9am-5pm to check us out.
Ill be teaming up with John Prime from 808 urban to paint a mural to brighten up the community.

Project X Follow Up

The picture are up for the Project X event this past weekend
Click here for the flicks on Sindications Myspace

Thursday, August 6, 2009


My manager has been coming out with me to play ball so i finally got some flicks of my adventures.. Spock em out..

Me about to school Bobby Nash..
Hes playing in Japan now doing it big..

Kai (Street Society) going for the rebound
Checkemout at:

T.Lew with the rock
Just found out he's an artist, checkemout @:
Looking to do a collab with him soon..

Blurry pic, but look at that form..ooooweee

Prototype Prototype

Finished the first stage of a fighting fish design for Prototype this week. Text, color and layout gotta get done to complete the design. Heres a little preview..